I lost my partner [Anselmo ...

I lost my partner [Anselmo Feleppa] to HIV then it took about three years to grieve; then after that I lost my mother. I felt almost like I was cursed.
 George Michael

Quotes from the same author

I have two sisters. My father is Greek and comes from a family of seven. My mother is English and comes from a family of five.
 George Michael
[My mother] pretty much used to go along with my dad in that she wanted me to get an education so that if this incredible dream I had didn't work out, I would have something to fall back on.
 George Michael
[My mother] is much more musical, and by the time I started writing songs - by the time I was about 17 - she started to believe in me, musically.
 George Michael
I don't want to look at other people my age in leather. Why would I put it on?
 George Michael
Yog" is an abbreviation - my real name is Yorgos, which is Greek for George.
 George Michael